Monday, April 8, 2013

We Realllllll Cool

Gwendolyn Brooks is the author of my favorite poem, "We Real Cool".  This poem is about teenagers making bad decisions and hints if they don't slow down, they're going to die soon.  I like this poem because it's short and sweet, plus it has rythem to it.  I also like the fact that there's no hidden messages that you would have to discover, it's very literal and means what it says.  Why can't more poems be like that?


  1. I agree I did like the poem as well. I think more poems should be straightforward without any hidden messages too.

  2. I completely agree with you. I also like that it shows that you should slow down from the "fast life"!

  3. I agree. You should take life slow and one step at a time. The faster you rush things the faster you grow up. & how doesn't want to be young forever? I know I do !

  4. I'm so happy I'm not the only one who thinks so! (:
